I have a window leak. I splashed some water near a bathroom exhaust cover (between 1st & 2nd floor) on the vinyl siding and was able to reproduce the leak. I opened up my vinyl siding behind the vent and there is a plain piece of 2x12 lumber going horizontal across the whole house that sticks out 1" further than the OSB/black (foam)? that is both under and over this piece of lumber, but the lumber itself is directly exposed and connected to the vinyl siding without any kind of wrap. The water is running off this piece of lumber under the black foam and traveling down behind the window.Frontal view:------------------------------------ top of house | 2nd floor with black foam | | ------------------------------------ 2x12 exposed piece of lumber | ------------------------------------ leaking here | 1st floor with black foam | | ------------------------------------ ground Side view:| normal piece of black foam | --| 2x12 piece of wood | leaking here | normal piece of black foam Real Image: https://ift.tt/2Yh9ixI is this piece of lumber? I assumed the whole outside of the house would be OSB. Is this normal? As it sticks out further, I think water can easily get stuck here and there is no protection/caulk/wrap currently.How do I prevent the leak/water from getting being the black foam?Edit: Also I pulled up random vinyl pieces around my house and it almost looks like there is an every-other pattern: 1 sheet OSB, some black foam, 1 sheet OSB, some black foam. Is this normal? I think I need to have all the exposed OSB wrapped. via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2M0e3W5