Some Facts
-Purchased first home over a year ago
-I am the only one on the mortgage and have made all payments/taxes/insurance
-Credit score is currently somewhere between 785-790
-Interest rate at 3.9%
-Recently married and wife stated that she wants her name on the mortgage
My current lender stated that I would need to refinance if I wanted to add my wife's name to the mortgage and am wondering if that is a normal thing?
I am happy with my current interest rate and refinancing could potentially raise the interest rate since my SO has a lower credit score than myself (720). Other than being a married couple and having both our names on the mortgage, is there any sort of advantage to this to when we file our taxes together for the first time next year?
Essentially what I am curious about is if there is more of a financial downside that I am unaware of or if it is better to just keep everything as is.
Submitted May 19, 2019 at 10:18AM by AdvancedGentleman