Hi guys, I have three picnic tables that I want to repaint and seal to make weather proof. Some pics at the bottom of the post for reference.Here's how I plan to go about it.Wire brush to scrap loose debris and paint (should I use some sort of paint stripper? I have used stripper in the past on an old dresser. I'm not sure if it would be needed here or if brushing/sanding would be enough?)Sand down wood from 60 --> 80 --> 120 gritPaint. Do i need primer?Apply polyurethane (I hear marine quality is what you want for long lasting outdoor use).So, do I have anything wrong? Missing anything?pics: http://bit.ly/2HNgTKn Some of the tables have metal, should I steel wool the rust and then simply paint over the metal? via /r/DIY http://bit.ly/2K1x60X