Hello r/personalfinance
Recently (within the past 30 days) I have taken up Skydiving. Went on my first tandem jump, fell in love with the sport and here I am now with 39 jumps and an A license. At first, I didn't anticipate nor research just how costly this sport is. I made the initial investment of ~$4000 to get my A license and I feel as though if I were to stop now I would have wasted all that money.
Below are the initial investments already made, my current financial situation and predicted costs of this sport over time:
Initial Investments:
A License Course: $4000
Gear: $1000
Financial Situation:
Age: 22
Single, No kids
Annual Salary: $65,000/year
Contribution to 401k: 10%/check
Net takehome after taxes/401k/insurance: ~$3400/mo
General Expenses per month: ~$1000
Checking: ~$3,000
Savings: ~$7,000
Debt: None
Cost of Sport:
Days per week dedicated to jumping: 1 day (Saturday)
Average Cost of gas per round trip to DZ: $20
Rental Rig/day: $100
Cost of jump ticket: $26/per
Pack job: $8/per
I try to jump 5 times a day to maximize the rental. Assuming I hit that target, I estimate ~$290/day. That adds up to $1,160/mo. I could cut the cost down and invest in my own rig, which would be an initial investment of ~$6000.
All in all, this is adding up to be extremely expensive but I honestly haven't had as much fun or been as happy in a long, long time. Gives me something to look forward to on the weekends and be generally excited and passionate about.
Reddit, what should I do or what could I be doing better?
Submitted May 21, 2019 at 11:29PM by throwaway2332349 http://bit.ly/2YICXwe