Hi guys! I apologize if this post is a little weird, I was not sure where to ask for help.
Anyways, I am currently a first year in college. I'm from Indonesia, and currently I'm studying in Japan.
To cut it short, my parents are financially handicapped. They could not pay for my tuition or my rent, at all. However, I was lucky because one of my family members is pretty well off, like, really well off, and I am extremely grateful that now he is sponsoring me and paying for my finances while I study here.
He also gave me a credit card with an extremely high monthly allowance on it (which I probably will never hit). Currently, I only use it to buy food or if I don't have any cash on me.
That being said, I feel like I might regret not using this opportunity to its fullest extent for my future. I'm scared that I might regret it, because I won't have this financial assistance the moment I leave college, so I want to try and make the best of it.
What can I do to save up for the future? He also occasionally gives me extra money, and I don't know what to do with all of it.
Again, I'm sorry if this question seemed really outlandish. I just didn't know who to ask or how to ask.
Thank you.
Submitted May 09, 2019 at 01:48AM by drudanae_high http://bit.ly/2PT4RCI