I have always tended towards the frugal side of life, my rent (renting a room with friends right now) is low, I work a VERY demanding and stressful job, and I eat out maybe once every 2 weeks or so. Well, I've gotten lazy and started shopping more, I've been giving VERY generous gifts, etc.
I'm injured right now and haven't worked since December. I'm in the final stretch recovery-wise (I fucking HOPE so, at least) but this downtime has been absolutely awful for me. I'm prone to anxiety and depression anyways, being stuck in bed for 23 1/2 hours a day has done a number on my head.
When (if?) I get back to my job, that's it. I'm going full Dave Ramsey and paying off everything, then putting at least 15k into my emergency fund and then I keep going from there. I'm eating out even less than I was, there's no more shopping-as-entertainment for me unless I truly need something. In 5 years, I want to have increased my net worth by 50k. I have a 401k at work that I put 15% in, that's getting raised the minute I get back. I haven't had enough cash to put money in IRAS except for maybe once every 4 years or so. Uh uh-EVERY year the IRA gets maxed out.
April 16, 2019 at 09:02AM