I was always taught to save by my parents. We were never rich, so they told me it was important to have some kind of nest egg in case "things go wrong."
Well, 21 years later, I just graduated and I make decent money (€2600 after taxes) while still having low expenses (€400 housing, €200 on my car, €150 for groceries, €150 on misc stuff like netflix, phone, shared household expenses). I also put €600 away monthly to pay off my student debt. So in general, I feel like I'm being fairly responsible with my finances.
But how can I stop feeling bad when spending a more than a moderate amount of money on "fun" stuff, like a pcgame of €50 or eating out and things like that. It just makes me feel guilty even though I know it's not /that/ big of a deal..
Submitted April 28, 2019 at 07:21AM by RiggaMorrisBITCH http://bit.ly/2Wb16eh