As the title states, I am looking to adapt to the frugal life in terms of my grocery shopping.
A little back story, I have always been bad at managing money in the past. This year my ex and I broke up leaving me homeless, dogless, and otherwise down and out. I've since then started to get back onto my feet, and I now have an apartment. (No more sleeping in my car!)
That said, I want to do things right this time around. Which means nipping my biggest financial weakness in the bud immediately as I'm starting to lapse. Eating out.
I don't make big extravagant purchases in terms of material wealth. I instead, *eat* my wealth by eating out so frequently. I've gotten a LOT better lately with not eating out, packing my lunches, etc. But I'm finding that among the many things I was not taught as a child, these 2 are huge.
- Managing my Money effectively
- Grocery shopping efficiently.
As a result I often go grocery shopping, getting a bunch of things that I can't do much with, and having bland, boring lunches (peanut butter sandwiches, or sandwiches with just lunch meat and mustard...).
I have a few recipes that I know to make that can last me a few days, and I've done meal prep before.
My last meal prep adventure had me spending about $50-60 in food items, which gave me 15 meals.
My point of this post; I want to know your frugal, long lasting meal ideas that I can take with me to lunch, and that I can have for dinner for many nights. Breakfast isn't something that I have a whole lot of time for, so I'm mainly focusing on lunch and dinner.
Some key notes, I'm not vegan, or vegetarian, so I do enjoy some kind of meat in my meals.
Currently these are my own frugal recipes, but I am 10000% up for learning and trying new ones.
- Dirty rice: Chorizo, Rice, Beef stock, Peppers, Sometimes beans and corn.
- Flank steak and sweet potato: Portioned out to make 5-6 meals.
- Chicken breast and steamed broccoli: Portioned out to make 9-10 meals.
Thank you in advance for your ideas and recipes!
March 22, 2019 at 11:41AM