So soon I will graduate from nursing school, I have a job lined up and should be making 60,000k a year easy (I know, nothing is guaranteed, but nursing has pretty good job security and my manager told me I would have a job. I obviously will NOT take out any loans or move forward on home purchasing until I am established at this job). My sister bought a house in 2015 and has been struggling to pay mortgage. We realized that it might be a lot simpler if I bought her house so she wouldn't have to deal with putting it on the market etc, plus it would be a fast track to me being a homeowner.
The house is a 2 bedroom rambler with a basement. Its in a pretty nice neighborhood in an area that was once industrial/blue collar but is gentrifying. The house has some issues, such as a pipe blowing 2 winters ago. It probably needs new windows. It just got new wood floors. Big back yard. Honestly would be a great place to raise a family. It reminds me of the home I grew up in, which is a good thing. It was built in the 1950's I think.
The mortgage would be about 1300, while my monthly take home will be 4000-5000. I'd love to pay a mortgage and not throw my money away on rent. I'm very responsible/stable and like the idea of home ownership and making improvements to a house over time. But I'm not sure if its a good idea financially. What do you guys think?
tl;dr: Graduating nursing school soon, will have 60k job shortly after graduation, should I buy house from sister?
Submitted March 09, 2019 at 08:27AM by lotrfan12345