Hi, I am looking for advice on how to handle this situation. I was homeless for 3 months, with 1 month spent in a treatment centre for ptsd. I was discharged from the centre and managed to find an apartment with decent rent ($700). I paid for February, but I am realizing as March gets closer I will not be able to come up with the $700 by the 1st. I recieved a payment from SA a month ago, but the next is not expected to go through until the 5th or 6th of March. My payment will be just over $700, but if I don't have this amount by the 1st I was told I will be evicted/kicked out. I live in Canada, (MB), I am so scared of being homeless again, especially with this cold snap with temperatures of -30c.
Is there anything I can do? I do not have any family left to reach out to at all, going back to the treatment center is not possible, and the few people I do still have in my life are in no place to lend me money. Is there any way I can make extra money somehow before the 1st? Can I ask the landlord to pay later? He was pretty intimidating and firm when saying I can't stay if I don't make rent.
Any advice welcome, sorry for the long post.
Submitted February 16, 2019 at 09:49AM by whowantstahnope http://bit.ly/2EdtOVg