So I was using ebay and decided to buy something and collect it via local pickup. Afterwards, he basically had my information and purchase details i.e. name and whatnot. Then he cancelled the order, refunded me the money and said that he didn't realise he was on the wrong ebay account which was linked to his aunt's paypal account. He then linked me to another link of the exact item with the same pickup location so I thought nothing was wrong. I bought from that seller and told him I was gonna meet him at 4PM. Afterwards, the scammer himself went to that seller's house really early during the arranged day and picked it up himself - showing a screenshot of my personal details and whatnot that showed when I purchased from the scammer. Basically the scammer got me to buy the item for him and now IDK what to do. I can contact paypal and charge back but I don't know what that will do for the seller. It was a somewhat expensive item so I'm asking for help here.
Submitted February 24, 2019 at 12:54PM by hello123testing