I'm bored at home and thought I would share some knowledge. I spend a lot of time outdoors and actively try to buy cost-effective durable gear. I guess I'll do this from the head down, and then gear. I'll keep it to stuff that you can buy today, because I feel like this sub is useless otherwise.
- Hat - Just get something made out of wool. Doesn't really matter. It'll last.
- Buff - Get a buff. They are amazing. Like a versatile scarf/head thing. These last forever.
- Gloves - Black Diamond liner gloves that I can't find anymore online. They might be out of production. And Flylow Oven Mitts for cold weather. Get the oven mitts a size up if you plan to use liners with them. Both seem to be BIFL.
- Sunglasses - Get cheap polarized ones that fit nicely. Sunglasses in this environment will never be BIFL.
- Base layer: Wool base layer is the best. I have Minus33 mid-weight undershirt and long johns. Not BIFL, but they last for a while.
- Mid layer - quick-dry poly-something t-shirt. Nice on the hot days. Not BIFL.
- Outer layers - I have a thick shetland wool sweater from Duluth Trading Company. I love it. It's very well made.
- Outer layers - I have a packable LL Bean down jacket. Get Patagonia instead, and this one might be worth springing for the higher down fill weight.
- Rain Jacket - I have an out-of production cheap Columbia rain jacket. It's great, I have no recommendation for one that you can buy. Good luck out there.
- Pants - Dickies (Durable but not BIFL) for work and brushy trails, Naviskin shorts (These seem good, might last for quite a few years) for personal time.
- Gaiters - I just got some Black-Diamond gaiters for snow and wet brushy stuff. They seem like quality, but have a lot of velcro. I figure that when the velcro goes, I will sew on some buttons and a little waterproof flappy thing over the button.
- Boots: I have Lowa Camino GTX boots with probably around 200 miles on them. They are still pretty new, but aren't showing any wear yet. They are too stiff for me though and I am kinda blister prone in them. Super durable though. My last ones were Danner Mt Adams GTX. They were so very comfortable, but fell apart very quickly. I had around 500 miles on them, but they were falling apart after 100. The tread was gone and I had about five pounds of super glue trying to keep the stitching together. And the goretex waterproofing lasted about an hour. But I still think about going back to Danner for the comfort.
- Shoes - New Balance Minimus Trail Runners. These are the best-made trail runners that I have found. Good for 99% of the trails that Americans usually use. Not good for anything off-trail or areas with a lot of loose/sharp rocks.
- Socks - Darn tough. Farm to Feet. Silk sock liners for early season before my feet are tough.
- Pack - Osprey Aether 70 AG. This is the perfect pack for what I do. Probably too big for normal people. And it's truly BIFL.
- Tent - Not going to be BIFL. I have the Alps Lynx 1. Cheap and durable.
- Sleeping bag - not going to be BIFL. I have the Enlightened Equipment quilt. It's expensive, but light, versatile, warm, and very well made.
- Sleeping pad - Thermarest z-light sol. This is the one.
- Headlamp - I had a rechargeable black diamond waterproof headlamp. Losing it was the saddest day of my life because it is now out of production. I haven't found a good one that I like.
If you are looking for anything else, just ask!
Submitted January 17, 2019 at 01:11AM by ButtzAhoy http://bit.ly/2FCcn1Q