My Dad fucked up his credit on purpose (not sure why). He cant transfer the convenience store to my mom because she is his spouse. I started working in a lab recently and want to pursue a PhD soon. But, the store license is expiring soon. A store without a license isn't worth much. My dad wants to sell the store. He thinks its a waste of time and energy and money. So, he wants to get a license under my name and presumably then sell the store (it's been hard finding a buyer so no one knows how long that's going to take). I don't want to do it. They are horrible at financial matters and shit at making decisions, and they've got a terrible track record to prove it. But, I live under their roof. I am saving up to move out. I know they will guilt trip me and pull that whole “family supposed to be there for each other” “the older you are the more selfish you've become” - the works for a typical South Asian family. If I confront them I also risk being kicked out. When my father and I fight it's always big. Its not the being kicked out part i wanna avoid, its the drama, the fighting, the stress, etc. Our culture definitely makes a difference in this situation - and I'm hoping someone here knows a way around this.
So! What can I do? Are there any alternatives? I've thought about freezing my credit reports but he'll just ask me to unfreeze and we are back at square one. They are financially irresponsible and I don't want them to ruin their lives - they are also too immature to handle me confronting them and telling them I don't trust them without them either kicking me out or resenting me.
It's really been stressing me out.
Submitted January 17, 2019 at 08:45AM by BruderAskGudQuestion