Hello Reddit, I am looking for some advice or tips on how to make a transition/threshold for and interior step between two rooms, pictures.Tldr: looking for advice on creating a transition/threshold for a slanted step with lip.We purchased a 1950s Bedford stone a little over a year ago and are in the process of updating it. We are now at the point where we would like to redo the carpet in the Breezeway. I believe in the past the garage was originally detached, however a previous owner sealed the space between house and garage making a Breezeway room. The door way from the house to this space has a step down and since this step used to be an exterior step it has a slant to it and a lip where the doors used to sit to prevent water from going toward the house.However this causes a problem when trying to make a transition/threshold because the flooring and step are not level with each and the slant of the step prevents a smooth transition. The previous owner solved this problem by carpetting the step, however we did not like the look of this and we will be installing a less plush carpet which will not flow easily over the step.My first two thoughts were to build a wooden step over the lip with the bottom routed out to allow the threads to sit evenly on both sides of the lip, however using 1in thick piece of wood the amount of material that had to be removed made the wood to thin to support weight. Another option is to chisel the concrete lip down and than build a step so it will sit evenly preventing the need to remove material from the step. Any advice on what the best option is or another option I haven't thought of? via /r/DIY http://bit.ly/2HzBK79