Hi there, I am in need of additional storage in my house and thought I would look to the attic. My original idea was to install one of those pull down stair cases in the garage to access the attic and store things above the garage, but the webs ( I think they are called?) would make left to right movement problematic as the stair case would have to go between them and the roof gets lower at that point over the garage. This is the view in the attic towards the area over the garage: ImgurThe area where the main access point is is tall enough for me to stand up in (see view here: Imgur and here: Imgur and here: Imgur And there is plenty of room each way between the tallest of the webs (A frame supports?) However the access point that is in place now is s small square that is only accessible with a standard ladder in the laundry room. There is not room for a pull down ladder to be installed.What is your opinion on my options? Try to install the pull down ladder in the garage area even with the lower sloping ceiling and webs in the way, or use the main access point under the tallest portion of the roof? Add a plywood floor over the insulation? How difficult would it be to raise/re-route the HVAC ventilation ducts? Anything else I should be considering?Thanks! via /r/DIY http://bit.ly/2FryRDx