Looking for a house in Atlanta with my fiance and her best friend. I have the money to either buy a home outright or pay rent for several years. My fiance is very insistent on moving into a rental unit asap, but I am wondering what is the best solution for keeping as much money as I can. I have been told that if I buy a house outright now I can probably talk them down and sell it back when I am ready to move without losing as much as if I rented. Some of the homes we are considering renting are as high as 2k a month. My fiance says we will make the money back in a year, but I am not sure as I have just come into this windfall and am not sure what my best options are. Any help at all is appreciated! Thanks!
Submitted January 16, 2019 at 10:36AM by legumancer http://bit.ly/2ARbeQD