To make a long story short I got notice from the bank telling me I can get a $900 loan fund from my debit card and I spent it thinking I could pay it back with my job in a month. What I didn't know was the interest with paying back that much money adds up to a lot more than what I was clued in on and 3 months later I'm paying back 3 times the amount I owed and paying for school and rent.
Luckily I got paid a lot more for working Christmas and New Years and I managed to pay it all back today. I fucked up because I thought I could be responsible with it despite never having debt before but believe me.
Whenever the bank or anyone other than you're family tries to get offer you a loan just tell them no. It's better to be broke than be in debt.
When you slip up you fall hard and it's a lot harder to get back up with someone trying to pin you down as long as possible.
Submitted January 06, 2017 at 06:18AM by VainGloryHero