Hi all,
I need ethical advice on supporting myself economically.
I recently signed my contract for the military with a job that has a very long wait time to ship out. I'm not going to disclose any dates or locations of where I ship out or which branch, but it will be sometime late next year. I'm very excited to go and wish the wait wasn't there, however it is and it's the earliest I can ship out(I've bugged my recruiters several times on finding earlier dates).
Because of paperwork and multiple physicals I had to leave my full-time job since I had already called out work for 2 1/2 weeks and needed more time. I had been with that company for 11 months. Although I received a 4.9/5.0 for my eval prior to leaving, they won't take me back because they wan't someone to be there long term and progress as a manager.
I have a part-time job offering 15 hours a week but it's not enough, I had been with this company for 2 1/2 years. I asked for more and they continuously look for shifts in the entire area I'm in. Maybe I'd get an additional 5-10 hrs a week if I'm lucky.
Should I apply for full-time jobs to support myself knowing that I'm leaving in a little less than a year in order to support myself economically? If yes, what should I say for leaving my past full-time position?
TLDR; signed contract for the military. Wait time to ship out is close to a year. should I get a full-time job or is it unethical knowing that I'm leaving in less than a year?
Submitted December 01, 2018 at 10:29AM by throwaway987123567 https://ift.tt/2Q6jHZV