Hey guys,I just completed making a squat/bench combo rack. My fiancee and I are trying to get back into shape for our wedding and we had been going to our nearest *good* gym, but with our commute and then getting to the gym, it was taking up a lot of our day and I was beginning to really get discouraged even trying to motivate myself to drive there.I've always enjoyed DIYing things, so one day when we were at the gym and an entire team of sweaty, stinky pubescent boys from a hockey team took up all of the racks, my fiancee looked at me and said "okay fine, you win, just build the damn rack" and off I went.We live in a 2-bedroom basement suite, so the rules were: it had to be small, adjustable, and easy to take apart. I had to TIG weld it together because I didn't have a tank for my MIG. I'm lucky enough to borrow my parent's garage for projects and to store my tools, but it's about a 45 minute drive each way.Here's the album, I'd be happy to answer any questions or criticism - it's not perfect and I know it's not! [It also needs a much nicer coat of paint than the 1990s off-white dishwasher look I gave it. That was a mistake.]Album:https://imgur.com/a/hBMmwqm via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2S4G4Mq