I've been financially stupid for a very long time now and I don't know how to get out of this. After taxes and child support, I bring in about 2060 per month. I have horrible credit. I have about 60k in student loans that I'm really bad at paying. I'm not even sure of all my debt, between old credit card bills and medical debt. My credit report makes me cry.
Is there some sort of financial planner I could hire to collect all my finances and give me advice on how to get out of this mess? I suffer from anxiety and depression and I get panicky just opening collection letters. I need help breaking this cycle.
Please no judgement. I know I did this to myself, I don't need to hear that. I'm looking to make a change.
Submitted December 29, 2018 at 10:47AM by redwing81 http://bit.ly/2BNbyzG