Do you have list of places you want to travel? Movies you want to watch? TV-series you need to catch up to? Things you need to experience? Non-fiction books you need to read?
I think it takes away from enjoying the moment. Spending a lot of time focusing of what you have not done and want to do can become stressful in itself, and makes you want to hurry up and get them done when you still "have the time". I think it might be better often to just do what you want to do in the moment. Thinking that if I just get to have this, experience this, travel to these countries, read these books, then I can be happy and relax is not the best way to live life.
Instead, focus on the moment. What can I do right now to make me the most happy?
Submitted October 09, 2018 at 03:34PM by willIeverfi