This question is especially for those who previously pursued ambitious careers or education, and decided to slow down. However, all experiences and opinions are valuable and much welcome.
I've been taught to chase "success" my whole life, and only recently am I beginning to realize that this might be causing my lifelong depression and anxiety. I'm only 23, but I constantly feel exhausted and sick of life. I dread waking up in the mornings to participate in the academic rat race. I work all the time, leaving me virtually no time to take care of myself or spend time doing anything that I actually enjoy.
Simple living has always appealed to me because I'm a naturally sensitive and introverted person. I am a software engineer by profession, which can be quite flexible if you want it to. My husband and I are also fairly frugal people. In other words, living simply is indeed a realistic (and perhaps ideal) option for us. But I can't seem to get rid of years of social programming and deeply ingrained beliefs that I would feel intense shame if I didn't keep doing this.
I was wondering, those of you who were in a similar situation / mindset and did break out of it, did you find that your life got any better? Or did you regret your decision? Has your mental health improved over time?
Please share your story. Thank you!
Submitted October 21, 2018 at 11:49PM by sudomakemelunch