Hi all,
26/27 in may. Currently working a hourly job at 22/hr full time. Looking to possibly pursue some things after I finance my mortgage (rental property purchases with a partner, travel, possibly getting a MBA) and was looking at the best options for keeping my cash right now.
As it stands I have around 63k liquid available in checking making literally nothing.
26,500 in a vanguard target date 2060 (still have to fund like 4000 this year in that) is the only other investment.
I need 1800/month to allocate for the mortgage, prop taxes, insurance, utilities, roth contribution available every month min.
I'm looking at the 4 week treasury notes as part of the allocation as they have the best return/no state taxes. The issue there is if you NEED the cash you have to wait for the term. I don't anticipate any huge expenses on the horizon but these should be at least part of it. Other than that I have looked at vanguard money market (not FDIC) and some unknown online banks. I was just wondering if there was a gold standard for ease of transfer/promotional bonuses/flexibility among high yield accounts out there.
Submitted April 30, 2019 at 12:30PM by zoochadookdook http://bit.ly/2PAnHhG