The question: for relatively high income people, what services do you have to reduce your general tasks (I call it daily overhead). Do you have someone do your laundry, cook food, clean more than once a week, take kids to school, etc? Was it worth it and how hard was it to find someone?
Background: my wife and I live in the Bay Area and make close to $1mm/year total comp with 1/2 that liquid (company is about to IPO in the next 3-6mo and I’m valuing the stock well below 409a for this question). We have a housekeeper that comes once a week and thats it.
My wife and I both find ourselves out of energy at the end of the week and keeping things going in the house with the family is a struggle. I’m looking at this as an investment into increasing our time for family and volunteering so we worry less and enjoy more, but I’m aware it may also be the wrong idea.
High income in this case could be defined as your cash income being top-2% for your metro and your housing & fixed costs being less than 1/6 your total liquid income (similar to us)
Submitted October 29, 2018 at 02:12PM by snarkpowered