I was hoping you could give me some advice or tips on how to save on my Internet-Cable bill. I use your advice every day, and as a foreigner living in USA yall having been the most helpful.
Some background: I live in Boston, my neighborhood is dominated by Xfinity, my building only has Xfinity. I reached out to my building management and RCN to have RCN come in but did not have luck. Also, as I mentioned, I’m (was) an international student and sometimes I leave my home for months, so having a home security is important to me (maybe I’m being unreasonable, maybe there are better options?) I don’t have Netflix or Hulu, but I have Amazon Video which came with Amazon Prime I watch a lot of TV shows, most of them as they air (is there a service for this that will allow me to cut the cord?)..I also watch C-Span (hi) and HBO (came free)
My bill includes
– Internet at 250 Mbps (it’s 100 on a good day)
– TV (bundle)
– Security ($39)
– Tv remote, cable box, modem (I rent because I have security from XFINITY and to have my own they would have to create a firewall around my security and it would interfere with my speed)
– Speed increase ($18) and a bunch of fees and taxes
And it all comes down to $173
I tried asking them about promotions, I told them I’m switching to other provider (I wish)...nothing worked. They say it’s the lowest price for everything.
I was wondering of anyone can help me out? I used to have a discount and a speed increase for free because my speed was shitty but they finally semi-fixed it.
I would appreciate it
Submitted October 10, 2018 at 10:49PM by heydianahey https://ift.tt/2CAE629