My big expense is fitness. For much of my life I was obese. I'm prone to yo-yo-ing. So I spend tons of money oneverything fitness. Anyone found really cheap (but highly effective) ways to stay in shape? If you're thinking "don't eat", for me it's kind of like an addiction. If I'm spending a lot though (trainers and stuff), I can easily stay in shape.
I am going to try to live on minimalist jobs rather than expensive corporate ones. I want to see if I can be happy on near minimum wage. I'll never know if I don't try. So for now I'm doing AirBnb's. The problem is that you're spending more and in a smaller rom (clutter) than you would on a one year lease. What do you suggest?
I'm right now in a really small studio, with a suitcase full of clothes. Things get cluttered. Can you recommend some way of sorting my clothes (other than buying a dresser, which won't fit in this little room)? I went to container store and they had suitcase dividers but they were insufficient. I especially worry that my cluttered suitcase is insufficient to safekeep valuables i.e. passport.
I'd venture to say that fitness is a huge part of minimalism. You don't outgrow your clothes. You feel good so you don't drown your sorrows in booze and food.
Submitted September 08, 2018 at 01:44AM by neolithic57era