So among 3 credit cards I have roughly $14k in debt. - My navy federal CC balance is $9900 with a 14.4% interest rate. - My next highest debt is from an engagement ring which has a balance of $3300 @ 9.9% APR. - Lastly I owe $750 on my eye procedure, Which doesn’t have an interest rate just late charges.
I am currently rocking a 515 credit score, and having a tough time managing 3 payments in my current situation. I did a calculation and if I consolidated my loan into one 14k loan and payed it off over 24 month it’d be around $150 a paycheck since I get payed weekly which is a lot better for me. Problem is when applying for loans I always get denied due to my credit I guess. If stuck in this situation what would you do? Would debt consolidation be the way or should I just work on getting a payment plan going for all 3. Please help and thank you.
Submitted September 17, 2018 at 08:50AM by Stayybased