What’s up, guys? My name is Danny, I’m from Russia and I like to craft things. One of my latest projects was a freaking huge whiskey-pouring golem, check it out! By the way, there’s a link to the full video attached. It’s all in Russian but has English subtitles. Cheers!https://ift.tt/2w7nkSm bad guy is based on the original mini-figure from Malifaux board game, it’s over 2 meters tall (1:1 scale), freaking heavy and made of barrels. For starters, here's how we’d made the stand for this dude: plywood guide, furnished with 8 cm concrete frame, stuffed with light-weight filler - expanded clay.Mixing concrete and expanded clay was a nice decision. Makes the whole thing lighter, but still tough as ballsBefore spreading the concrete inside, the wire was pulled on basket-crosswise. After imitating the mosaic paving on top we’d let the whole thing rest for a day.Making the stand look like a piece of road in the processThe skeleton (arms, legs and neck) is made of 90 mm steel tubes and 100 mm tubes for joints and such. The hardest part was to choose the right angle to place feet on the stand, so it’ll look like he is marching, not squatting like all of the Russians do.https://ift.tt/2nyYNC0! Made of smaller tubes and welded together.While we were putting the skeleton together, our barrels got delivered.We’d decided to attach them later on, after welding to avoid burning ‘em off while welding. The arms are attached to the torso and can easily be detached if we decide to move the drunken master somewhere else.https://ift.tt/2w55bVD stanceAll the caps covering the joints will be spray-painted copperLeft arm is special: it has a hidden hose inside and it has a tap on one of his fingers which the golem will pour all of them poor bastards a drink.Attaching a pouring armThe tap I was talking about. The Hose connected to it goes straight to the booze barrel.Palms in the making, that was a tricky one. We'd wrapped the palms with metal sheets.Here. Your private whiskey dispenser is all good to go!Attaching the head to the torso. Steel pipe is welded to the skeleton and goes through the torso barrelBooze containers installed on top are basically barrels with plastic water jars inside so it will be easy, you know, to clean them up or refill.Attaching booze barrels. Plastic water jars will be hidden insideCosmetic procedures and painting stage was quite a buzzkill, since the color we got on the wood was totally differed from the one on the label.All metal parts are covered with painting tape.Good thing we’d brushed the barrels before painting, it made ‘em look way better than they were. All of the joints were covered with caps, spray-painted with copper color and of course, we hid all the spots where steel is showing with pieces of barrels.Also, we have added rust imitation on some spots to make him look old and grumpy and lastly, for some extra fine details, we have attached some stuff like fancy ropes.Fancy ropeThe original mini-figureOnce it's done it definitely needs to be testedhttps://i.redd.it/ej2koydh2vf11.jpgThese are the brief details! For more, be sure to check the link above. Or below. Thanks!FULL VIDEO ABOUT THIS PROJECT ->> via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2vG5UNo