In the last few days we've scooped up a KitchenAid stand mixer and Dyson DC50 vacuum, free. Both in like-new conditions. According to the owners, they were broken and 'unsure if it could be fixed'.
The stand mixer had a stuck paddle that wouldn't come off. I shot it with PB Blaster, let it sit for about 10 minutes, pried it with a screwdriver, and it slid right off. The epoxy coating had cracked on the paddle, which wedged itself in place. All the other attachments fit like a champ. New paddle? $9 on Amazon. 20 minutes with some spray cleaner and a paper towel. It's new.
The vacuum had a 'broken handle' on the canister. I visited dyson's website and found that the whole handle assembly was $8.99. I was given the vacuum cleaner, "gee, good luck fixing it". The broken handle turned out to be a small switch that locks it in place. That switch had popped off and was in the bottom of the box they gave me, along with all the brand new attachments in the original plastic wrap. I installed the switch, cleaned it, now I have a new Dyson vacuum.
These repairs took next to no skill. There was no engine to rebuild, no soldering, no special tools and ultimately no parts. At the end of the day, I've made off with over $600 in goods that others couldn't be bothered to fix or even go online and investigate a new part cost. Take the time to check things out, you may wind up making a golden find. Worst case, give it to someone else who can fix it.
August 05, 2018 at 06:22PM