As of fairly recently, we only have my income. Now, I make enough for us to get by, but I also have a bit of credit card debt I’m trying to take care of, so “just getting by” isn’t really going to cut it. So, I’m looking to cut costs and the most obvious money saver that comes to mind is food. I’ve seen several posts here now with recipes and advice, but here’s the thing: my boyfriend is a very picky eater.
He has bad teeth that we can’t take care of, so he can’t eat anything “sharp” like tortilla chips, popcorn, or m&ms or anything small or granular like rice or corn. Both of us came from bad households with staple “eat it as much as humanly possible” meals that we just can’t bring ourselves to eat now that we’re out. For me, it’s pasta and tomato sauce, and it’s chicken or pork chops and rice for him. I’ll eat pretty much anything else, though. Also, I’d like to keep things as healthy as possible because my 10 month old likes to share our food.
Edit: I’d also like to add that he’s trying the whole stay at home dad thing until a local gas station opens up that will guarantee him a new job (he knows and worked with the manager who’s going to be there.) However, he has almost no cooking skills outside of the microwave, so it’ll need to be frozen meal prep kind of stuff that I can make beforehand so he has something to eat while I’m asleep.
August 30, 2018 at 04:27AM