I know that most of us compare grocery store prices and I'm definitely in favor of doing so, but I've also noticed that many of the less expensive stores will sometimes offer subpar produce. Ex: I was complaining about $.99 limes the other day and was excited when I found them for $.68 down the road. Unfortunately they were 1/2 the size and hardly any juice cames out of them compared to the large very juicey $.99 ones.
I've seen the same issue come up with grapes that will be sour vs sweet and avocados that are small and not ripe. Kroger this week had red bell peppers for $.99 each, but they were tiny compared to $1.25 at Sprouts that were huge & sweet.
So, yes...price is important, but also make sure that you're getting a product that tastes good and is of comparable size.
August 14, 2018 at 12:23PM