Hello, I hope this post fits here. I realize I haven't lead the most straight and narrow life, and I realize people won't approve of what I've been doing for work the past 8 years. I just need advice please.
I have been a cam girl for a little over 8 years and I have recently fallen pregnant. I have been dealing with all day nausea/vomiting. I have been unable to preform my job for the past 2 months because it's physically demanding and it is really heavy on emotional labor. On top of this, my body is already changing dramatically, which would impact my income, and I really just want to move on from a life of sexual work for money. I have been married for 5 years - we both grew up really poor. While this pregnancy was unexpected, we don't want to terminate.
Before becoming pregnant, I was pulling in 2-4k a month. Now I am lucky to pull in $300 a month (I make some passive income off of recorded shows that are sold on various sites). The bills are piling up and my credit cards are maxed.
My current bills are as follows:
- Car note $375/mo
- hulu/netflix $24/mo (I can cancel this of course)
- Phone bill $200/mo (I have a work phone, personal phone, and my husband's phone on a family plan. If I were to cancel my work phone, I'd be stuck with the remainder of the cost of the phone which is about $600, that's the reason I haven't cancelled it.)
- Adobe suite for work $32.46/mo (I can cancel this.)
- pet vet plans $92 (These are one year contract plans with the vet to take care of their spay/vaccinations/etc)
- pet food ~$70/mo
- dental insurance $100/mo for both of us (I could cancel this, would rather not.)
My CC debt is 8k on credit cards and about 14k left on the car note.
My husband takes care of the rent, car insurance, food, electric, and other necessities. He makes about 3.2k/mo and that's stable income. We do not share finances, but I know he doesn't have any savings. Neither do I. I just need to figure out how to pay my share of the bills.
We only have the one car and he works many hours a day. We live in an extremely rural location and he commutes to the city, ~30 minute drive. There's obviously no public transit here, ubers don't even come out here. As far as the skills I've learned from my 8 year stint camming, use editing software like adobe and gimp, build wordpress sites and have a very basic understanding of html/css, manage social media/hootsuite, etc.
I want to turn my life around and I want to live a normal life. I just need some help figuring out where to go right now to be able to pay these bills.
Another source of stress is not being insured. I have no idea how I'm going to deliver this baby. I applied for medicaid but my husband makes over the minimum requirement. Purchasing an insurance plan would be a little over $400/mo and the best plans have thousands of dollars deductibles. I have been looking at birthing centers and midwife care and they're around 6k, which feels doable, but I am terrified of child birth and wold really like the option to see an OB. I am hoping I my application for medicaid goes through, otherwise I'll have to take a loan for a midwife birthing center.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'm sorry I've lived my life like such a fuck up! The hand I was dealt wasn't top notch, but I'm a hard worker and I could make anything work if I just had some idea of where to go and what to do.
EDIT I want to thank everyone for their advice. The budget outline I was given makes me feel very optimistic. I have also spent this time looking for jobs from home and have sent in one resume so far. I have some good computer/data entry/customer service background, so hopefully someone takes a chance on me!
Submitted July 17, 2018 at 09:07PM by excamho https://ift.tt/2uGXrbC