Title says it all, but I found this facebook video to be very helpful. It is a very important topic to deal with considering you are trusting someone with your entire life savings. knowing the right questions can help you deal with your fears and fantasies.
When it comes to financial planning for seniors, tax planning services, or just finances in general it is important to ask “who can I trust for financial guidance?” A lot of people think about everything that’s going on and they think about either the frustrations on how things have turned out or their fantasies for how these things could work out. So you go and meet with someone and they are helping you with a product or solution strategy. You may have went to them for information, but ended up getting a long term commitment or product that you didn’t necessarily want to have. With all of that said and the feelings that you have, it is important to note that it doesn’t have to be that way. It doesn’t always have to be all about selling and feeling pressured to have unwanted commitments. That is why fundmax is here as a free resource to use for retirement planning and were not here to focus on selling, but rather what is best for you. That’s why we have all these live videos or what we like to call retirement planning seminars so you can have early retirement now. What we find as we go through if your asking the right questions and focusing on the right things your going to have a much better experience.
Before you commit to any financial professional make sure you know what is in it for you? What are you seeking and hoping to accomplish? What are you trying to gather more knowledge about? Often times when you meet someone all these things can be brought to your attention and it can feel overwhelming. Having a plan coming in that you can focus on will help you to be able to deal when barriers or things come up. So you will be able to decide what you should think about now and what you should focus on in the future.
What’s in it for them? How do they stand to benefit? What are they hoping to accomplish with you?If they are always focused trying to sell to you, they might not necessarily be as adapted to focusing on the individual needs that you have. The reason we make all these videos and we do this for you as a free complimentary benefit, is because we are we are thriving. We are doing so well that we have the time to make all of this free content accessible. We want you to ask questions like what is financial freedom? Helping you achieve total financial freedom is our concern so that you can enjoy your retirement life.
The next thing that most people don't talk about is how do we manage it when things change that we planned on? How is our solution strategy able to adapt as needed? If this isn’t going well will i be able to decide on a few things? In this digital age that we live in, the traditional relationships we had where I had to physically meet with an advisor is over. You are able to sit with people electronically through facetime or skype and are able to see what is happening. So much of what’s happening with the digital way is their are more secure ways in many cases which some of these online programs that we utilize. Essentially we are an online certified retirement financial advisor that can help you start retirement planning today.
You want to ask your advisor is give me a few examples of why being a fiduciary matters and how this fits with your practice? Tell me more about the fiduciary, what does this mean and when has it been a benefit with some of your clients? This is your opportunity to see how they handle it and watch their behavior. The next question is what is your specific area of expertise? In the vast world of finance, i find that sometimes retirement plan advisors, depending on what their area of expertise is more dependant on how they were brought into the business and what tools they had tend to be their preferred tools for their career. So when you ask the same question to three financial advisors, you may get three separate answers. The reason is because of their area of expertise, everyone has an opinion of how to do things. You want to ask them how the best way to do things is? This will give you an idea of what their bias and upbringing is professionally. The next question is how much situation is unique from others? Similar to others? This way you can help determine how focused they are on your individual needs.
Here is a link if your interested:
Submitted July 24, 2018 at 10:30AM by Fundmax https://ift.tt/2A8N1Yg