Hey personalfinance. I'm at a bit of a crossroads right now, and hope y'all can give me a bit of clarity.
so what had happened was:
Currently, I live in a 3-bed townhome with 3 other roommates. One was my girlfriend, the other two I went to school with and are now my coworkers. we signed a 12 month lease together last august for 1280/month. splitting living expenses 4 ways has been a dream; I spend less than 400 a month including utilities and internet. Unfortunately, our living situation has deteriorated. My girlfriend and I broke up recently, and one of my roommates has become an alcoholic. Come september, we're all going separate ways.
I'm stuck between whether to find my own place or just move back home. a 1-bed apartment would run between 650-750 a month, plus utilities and internet that I have to pay in full. I'm very wary of getting a roommate, as my last roommates were people I'd known for years and it still managed to fall apart. My mother has offered my old bedroom back to me with no rent and is happy to take me in.
My biggest misgiving about moving home is my mental health. My mother can be very narcissistic and controlling, and I worry about being stuck under her thumb if I move back home. The therapist I see has said that moving home "sounds self-destructive".
My money situation is doing okay right now. I'm 21, work full-time as a paramedic making $17.29/hr. I typically work 80+ hours a week; my paychecks run $2,500-$3,500 for a two week pay cycle before taxes. I have about $20k sitting in savings and $85k in a 401k. My next major purchase is a different car; my current one is throwing all kinds of engine codes and has been a lemon since I got it.
Having living expenses all to myself would round out to about $10k/year to live in a one-bed apartment by myself. I could pocket that money if I moved home and that is a very alluring option right now, especially with the major purchase of a car on the horizon. Have any of you been in a similar situation (or are going through it now) and can offer your experiences?
Submitted July 16, 2018 at 06:44AM by voodoodollbaby https://ift.tt/2LmvywH