Thank you for taking out your time to help me. I recently inherited $250,000 in bank from my grand parents. I have a full-time job, and i am unmarried. I do not have any debts except for a small car loan of $10,000 at 8.5% p.a which i will pay off this year with my salary. After some research, i have narrowed my options to these, but i am open to consider other options too.
Option 1: Most people here invest in real-estate (apartments) in developing area's, however the returns have been stagnant in past couple of years. There is one apartment i am interested which has a annual rental yield of 3.5% and cost of apartment is $150,000.
Option 2: Fixed Deposit - currently offering 7.50% annual but the income from interest will attract 30% tax.
My ideal scenario would be to get a surplus in income along with my salary which fixed deposits offer however they are easily liquidable and inflation in India is about 6%. And Real-estate are seeing very little growth.
What should i do?
Submitted July 16, 2018 at 05:26AM by mildinteresting