I grew up with a single parent, dad left when I was around 1 years old.
I lack confidence, and sort of awkward in the sense of being quiet around people, and keeping to myself. People at work tell me to loosen up, but it's just the way I am.
I think not having a dad/parents that were really part of my life affected me. No one really gave me life advice or showed me how to be a man. So what I did was indulge myself with video games, playing 16+ hours from 5-19 years old. Sometimes almost all day, not eating much, etc.
I'm 22 years old working a construction job (not something I want to do forever).
Was on and off with school. Spent two years learning automotive and accounting, they turned out not being for me.
Going to school this fall, taking IT classes for the first time and a math class.
I have always been intrigued with computers, learning how to fix them, etc. So I feel like I'll give IT a shot this semester, then move into cybersecurity.
Because at this point I feel like I'm wasting my life away. I just want to find something I enjoy and can be passionate about. It would be nice to have a good career and make a decent amount of money so I'm not stressed out like how I see my mom. She wanted me to co-sign on the mortgage. She doesn't even talk to me now, like really? All I can do is pay rent and try to better myself. Hopefully, I can do something about moving forward with my life so I can afford therapy or something.
My sister is turning 30 this year, and still lives at home. Doesn't pay rent.. and it feels like if I don't figure something out, I'll be like her. On top of that, I found out my father is homeless.. he was never really there in my life and it's hard to feel anything but it makes me wonder if I'll be homeless one day too.
Would be nice to have my own place, learn how to be financially smart about owning a house, etc and actually be an independent adult.
Should I see how IT classes go for me? Or Just join the military? I was thinking Air Force, but then I heard they give you a list of the jobs your qualify for, and they randomly pick want is available. Which sort of sucks, because I would like to do something IT/cyber security related. So I may look more into the Navy since my recuiter says he can gurantee me a job, he been calling me every week so far. I did bad on the practice test last month at the recuiters office but ended up getting a 89 on the offical ASVAB.
Submitted July 14, 2018 at 07:05PM by 2016b https://ift.tt/2umRtgC