I'm getting some polysterene boxes, and have some other things laying around the place to start growing some veg and herbs.
Previously, when I still lived at home, I basically threw bits and bobs (tomato seeds from tomatoes I ate, garlic clove from a garlic bulb I brought) into the ground and watered them and left them up to their own devices, but that was more done for the pleasure of having grown something myself, where as I am hoping to reduce food bills for myself.
I'm getting some potting mix, but I was wondering what's the most effective way to go about this.
I don't tend to have much veggie scraps (as I use them for making stock, and my partner doesn't eat veg, basically) to make compost. Would I see a good return on buying some fertiliser?
Obviously, I know you can get very involved in gardening, but how do you balance outcome with cost?
July 08, 2018 at 03:02AM