I’m so sorry if this is a small problem in comparison to the other issues posted on this sub. It’s just I fought tooth and nail to get my head above water, and $775 is a lot of money right now. It’s the difference between staying stuck where I am and possibly starting a new life.
My story is this: I signed up for a vacation package from the Hilton Grand Vacations Club. I was charged $225 on my credit card months ago, and was told I would be able to collect $199 back and be given a $200 credit at any of the other Hilton properties on the condition that I complete the timeshare presentation at the designated location of the vacation package [the Elara in Las Vegas, in this case].
When booking the timeshare tour, the agent asked if I was employed. I stated I was self-employed and asked if that was okay, she said yes. I am a delivery girl, part of the gig economy - I work a rotation of Postmates, Grubhub, another courier service, and do other odd jobs on the side. To my knowledge, I am considered a sole proprietorship in the eyes of the government, and I pay estimated taxes 4 times a year. I did not mean to deceive anyone. I would never have signed up if I knew things would happen like this.
When I went to the timeshare presentation today, I told the sales rep what I did for a living. Towards the end of our two hours, an hour of which we spent not talking about the Hilton offers (this was done in about 20 minutes), she asked me again about my employment situation, perhaps because I turned down the offer? I explained what I did. She said I was unemployed because I don’t have money coming in. I said I was self-employed and that I do not get paid unless I work. We had talked about my family situation beforehand, and I had told her about how I visiting my brother in California for a month (this is what we spent an hour talking about). It was after this hour that she brought up the unemployment situation where I explained to her that I was self-employed. By her definition of not having money coming in - I was unemployed and she told me a rep would come in and have me answer a few survey questions and then I would state my unemployment situation at the end of the survey. I asked her about being charged, and said that marketing would call me later, and I just had to explain my situation and they would make a one time exception. She said Hilton records everything and they would know my situation.
I get to my hotel room. I get a call from the Hilton call center. I explained my situation and they said I would be charged $775 because I stated I was unemployed at the end of the presentation, when at first I said I was employed.
On the paper that I signed at the end of the presentation, I stated that I have been unemployed since May 2018, as the rep was watching over and told me I had to write the full sentence. I actually did work in June, and work just about every week, but I did have a family issue come up (info that I don’t believe is relevant, but my life was threatened, and I decided to go on vacation with family and did not work the last two weeks of June. I had planned to continue doing deliveries, and being to work/ not work/ is one of the benefits of being a courier).
I thought the sales rep seemed genuine, but I am aware that I was also a bit emotional and gullible. They call center said my case would be sent to a collections agency. I was about to storm back down to the timeshare lobby, but the doors were locked, and headed back to my room to write this out. Is there anything I can do?
Submitted July 05, 2018 at 10:52PM by onedeliverygirl https://ift.tt/2KNHIBy