I live in the States (international grad student) and I don't have a car here. For that reason, if I go to Walmart I have to take a bus first and then,as it's impossible to carry all the bags I need to call Uber. In order to be able to call Uber I need to have a valid phone plan with access to the Internet. Tbh, I feel like I don't really need this plan except this situation. I have free Wi-fi on campus and around campus so I can use whatsupp/skype etc and ofc I have Wifi in my apartment. So basically, I have to pay 35$ a month only for ~2 trips with Uber. Do you have any ideas how to resolve this? Technically I could go shopping twice a week and buy only few things so I can get on bus with that. It would be a huge waste of time though and buses cost too.
June 01, 2018 at 10:48PM