TL;DR: I want a non-Shure pair of earbuds with detachable cables. Price range - max of $150. Any suggestions?
A few weeks ago, I ordered a pair of Shure SE215 earbuds due to an answer on a BIFL thread from 2015. Everybody was saying that they were fantastic. ...They were not. The pair that I received had subtle constant white noise while in use. I have extremely sensitive ears, and I couldn't stand the noise, so Ireturned them, thinking it was a defect. Cut to today, when I open my new pair of SE215 earbuds to discover that they have the same problem as before, and also the sound in the left earbud cuts out sometimes! Unbelievable, especially considering the price - $90-100.
Submitted June 21, 2018 at 04:25PM by a_hungry_alpaca