A little background info: I work for a multi-billion dollar corporation with investments worldwide in the entertainment business. My department is a corporate department that services all of our locations across the world.
Straight out of college I worked for 1 year in a sales role, made decent money but needed a change.
I found myself in a position at my current employer. Before I was hired, this position was paid at an awfully low 32k salary. Due to some legislation from the government and poor exit interviews of past employees. I was hired on at 40k base + overtime.
My most recent fiscal year I made $54,800.
After 18 months in this position, a promotion opened up in my office. I applied
I did my research and found that this new job can be comped between 55-65k nationwide via Glassdoor and other sources.
Other people within my office with the same title are making anywhere from 46-48k in this new role.
Because I made 55k last year (overtime dependent), I knew I may be walking into an offer of around 48k. Worried about this, I did what I could to prepare for the meeting and to have a solid counter offer ready.
I was offered 55k, full benefits, and other incentives that totals about 60k at the end of the year. I was pleasantly surprised to see that they valued me higher than expected, but After reading “never accept the first offer” about a billion times... I countered at 65k, hoping we’d land at 60 plus all those other incentives.
The hiring director asked me “so wait, I have no problem going back and asking for more, but if they don’t increase, are you refusing the job at this offered rate, me and (our Vice President) pulled your salary from last year and worked hard to get you this offer” he further went on to explain that compensation doesn’t take overtime into account because it’s not guaranteed and that making the jump from 40-55k was almost a 40% increase when all you’re looking at is a spread sheet.
My one mistake - I told him that I would still accept the offer but I think I’m valued higher and that I’d like to ask for more.
We agreed to meet after he hears back from compensation.
3 days go by, the offer didn’t move. It stayed at the cumulative 60k offer.
There was a ton of competition for this job internally, and I wanted out of my current position, so if I told him I would refuse the offer at 55, I thought it would be foolish.
So just to throw it out there, you MAY not always get a little more with a counter offer, BUT, I’m glad I asked anyway.
Cheers, Sheetshitter
Submitted June 13, 2018 at 04:51PM by SheetShitter https://ift.tt/2LPIQBv