First time poster, I’m 21 living with my gf, I recently got a jump in salary from making 7.25-10$ an hour to a fixed 60k/year as a base offer with the opportunity to grow. This is as you can imagine a big step in my financial stability, however, every single person says I should save for a down payment for a house, am I crazy for thinking that shouldn’t be on my plans right now?
For a better perspective, we divide our expenses an even 50/50 (except groceries because we buy our own food separately) we life in a comfortable around 600sqft (in my estimate) 1 bathroom, big merger living room and kitchen and a reasonably big bedroom. Our payment for the rent is around 375 with water bill included(amazing deal, a relative is renting to us). As of right now all our expenses combined can’t even break 600$ a month. I know it’s wise to save for the future but in the next ten years a house isn’t something I perceive as something I should do, why would I pay for a mortgage 900-1500/month for a place I need to maintain in the long run if we can live in an apartment and every repair needed is through our landlord? We have no kids (and no plans on having them) my only debt is around 10k of student loans and a car payment. I don’t go out as much, I am content just staying in and playing a bit or watching a movie, occasionally I go out with gf if she wants to.
Aside all that I’d say I only splurge on tech toys and car parts here and there.
Help me make sense of this, am I totally insane for not wanting to get myself into a house? I find the apartment/any other apartment way more practical for our situation than a house.
Any help would be appreciated!
21 60k/year (50k realistically take home I’ve heard) No kids or plans on having them (we do have a cat though, lol) No huge amounts of debt (10k) Around 465 a month in living (rent, internet, utilities, etc) Car payment which fit comfortably (I know you guys don’t like car payments, I’ve been a long time lurker and got great advice on building credit)
Submitted May 03, 2018 at 09:23AM by vontokkerths