If you look at one end of the egg carton you will see a two digit or a three digit number. This is the Julian Date. This is the cumulative date from January through December. e.g. 31 would be January 31st, 365 would be December 31st. Now the Julian Date is the date the eggs were placed in the carton which is wihin 24 to 48 hours after the eggs were laid.
The National Egg Board allows grocery stores to put "use by" or expiration dates on the carton as well, but that can be as much as 45 days after the eggs are placed in the carton, so look at the Julian Date for the freshest eggs.
(P.S. I stole this off a comment online, but I’ve checked a few sites and they back up all the facts in this post)
May 02, 2018 at 03:43AM