I work a part time (34hr every week) job making $10 an hour in the state of Arkansas with a decent credit score. One school loan that is almost paid off. I have been living in an apartment and my lease renewal is coming up. I would love to buy or build a home.
I've been with my current job (medical clinic) for over six months and my job history looks good. I was at my last job for over two years. As I stated before, my credit score is considered "good" I'm just worried about my job being only part time. Its a steady, set 34 hours though (as I also stated previously) so maybe the bank will consider that?
My awesome parents own land that they are wanting to give me a piece of to build on if I wanted to. Being a first time home buyer I feel like that won't be an option for me as far as finances go.
I had talked with a finance manager several months ago at my bank who told me if I want to qualify for a loan for a home, I need to get some little things paid off. Well, here we are. Those little things have been paid off and my credit has risen several points since then. Does building a home seem out of the question right now?
Submitted April 14, 2018 at 10:24PM by hdbaker009 https://ift.tt/2qxWXmU