Hi DIY. I am preparing to add a hot tub to my property, and in doing so have been at a loss for what the correct way to wire my spa panel up is. I am not talking about the wires within the box, I am talking about feeding the 6-3 wire from the inside of my unfinished basement, the the outside of a vinyl wall where the spa panel is planned to be installed.Here is an imgur post with a diagram of what I'm trying to accomplish and some photos.https://ift.tt/2ErsF9u I need the most guidance, is exactly what wire connection equipment to buy and how it will fit together for the installation. Specifically stuff like conduit, fittings, 90º elbows, whatever it takes to safely install the spa panel and an adjacent gfci outlet.I spent an hour with a guy at Lowe's who put together a nice plan for me, but I didn't have my diagram and the equipment I bought was not enough. They helped me pick out nylon liquid-tight fittings and nylon liquid-tight flexible conduit, but I didn't get enough conduit on the first pass and the fittings wouldn't work for passing the 6-3 through the back of the panel (which I am hoping for).I've been uncertain if we can go straight through the punchouts on the back of the panel at all, which would be nice instead of having to route additional conduit through more fittings and into some kind of wall connector. That seems like a lot of extra work for nothing.I'll be around much of the night to answer questions, but will have to cook dinner pretty soon here.Thank you for any help! via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2H5kKEc