I didn't really think I was going to be able to have a baby due to medical problems. I'm the bread winner and I'm stressed beyond belief. He averages 15-20k a year and I 60k. Hes now on the lower end since he helps with childcare while I work full time and he works part time. If I don't save money, money just some how disappears. I just found out a week ago my husband didn't even have a savings account.( I blame myself for not knowing). I told him to not to touch the money that we got from a settlement from a car accident because we may need it for rent. Just now he tells me he spent it on things for the baby and bills. What bills?! What stuff for the baby?! I pay the rent, utilities, car payment, etc. ( his car got repossessed the day after we got home from the hospital). He averages 15-20k a year and I 60k. Hes now on the lower end since he helps with childcare while I work full time and he works part time. Almost all the money I had saved up went towards maternity leave and surprise medical bills. So of course now I have to figure all this out. He also filed our taxes together and forgot that he owes taxes.( I was thinking we were going to get back a decent return,but I wished I filed them separately). I don't even know if this post belongs here but I'm sobbing and don't know where to start. I don't know if I can be the bread winner, and be responsible for a newborn and another adult. I just need some advice. Please.
Submitted April 26, 2018 at 12:44AM by Purplish86 https://ift.tt/2Fgle5x