I’ve seen people post in here about one partner being more frugal , or being frustrated if they start being frugal and their partner doesn’t get on board and thought this might help.
I’ve always been by far the biggest spender in the marriage, and also the higher earner. My husband is quite frugal by nature. A few things have happened at work lately which have caused me to reassess and I’m a big convert to FIRE. I’ve stopped shopping and buying coffees , started taking lunch to work and started selling items from the house that we don’t need/use.
When I’ve been telling my husband about all the tips on the frugal blogs / podcasts etc. he teases me about it, or acts amused or bored. He loves buying lunch at work and always has, and has no desire to take in, and because he’s a frugal guy generally and I hate nagging, and I spend in other areas, and we don’t tell each other what to do, I would never suggest otherwise. I’ve just been doing my own meal prep and trying to save money myself, which he’s supportive of, although thinks is amusing because of how I’ve always spent in the past.
We’ve got some repairs that need to be done in our bathroom and we got a quote this week from a tradesman which was crazy expensive. Last night my husband was watching videos on YouTube on how to do the repairs himself.
We also talked last night about weekend plans and agreed we would stay home for lunch on Saturday as we’re out with friends on Sunday (we usually go out both weekend days).
My husband said “I must be picking up trying to be frugal from you, it’s teamwork”
It just shows that if you’re partner isn’t immediately on board, I found it worked well to just keep focusing on making changes in my own life. He made the changes without me having to say / do anything!
April 20, 2018 at 04:50PM