This is the first time I post on this subreddit. Sorry for my English (is not my native language).
I am 20 and my journey with all this simple living thing began when I finished high school at the age of 16.
At that age I just wanted to go to University to study something that would give a lot of money. I was highly “brainwashed” by the American ideal of happiness that I watched in movies, so I thought that the amount of things I will get would make me a better person. WRONG.
I dropped out the first semester, I hated that courses and did not see me working on that (I was in Systems Engineer). Then all the critical thinking that I was never able to do begins. I realized that I was fucking lost. That the money was just an excuse to create a meaning in decisions that I internally hated. Fortunately I’m blessed with food, Internet, clothes, etc so money is not an urge necessity. It is important, yes. But is not the final goal. Many people who can be brilliant in science, sports, whatever... fall in this "study for money" trap and their real magic disappears. Society expect to create us an identity based in consumerism and acquisition capacity relegating more important things like family, love, brotherhood.
Right now I’m studying something that really makes me happy. I know that the salary is lower, that many superficial things that I wanted to buy has gone, but I really find that all these years worth. At least I found more fun and meaning in things like art, music, and books than in a big car or a Rolex.
I want to thank all the people of this community, your stories are very inspiring and have helped me a lot.
Submitted April 14, 2018 at 08:14PM by barbotro