30-day challenges
We are pleased to continue our 30-day challenge series. Past challenges can be found here.
This month's 30-day challenge is to Update your resume, get an internship, keep your wardrobe updated, or ask for a raise.
You've successfully completed this challenge once you've completed any one of these steps.
Why is this important?
A 40-hour work week will take up about 24% of the 168 hours you have available in the week. If you're getting the recommended 8 hours of sleep, 36% of your day is spent at work.
This is why it's important to have a job that provides you with both income and personal happiness.
Even if you're gainfully employed and not thinking of jumping ship, you might still want to consider dressing for success, keeping your resume up-to-date, or even asking for a raise.
1. If you're a student who is free this summer and haven't done so already: get yourself an internship!
Taking an internship or co-op while you're an undergrad is by far one of the most effective career boosters out there, and can still benefit you even if it's unpaid. It allows you to network, get real world experience, get professional feedback, and other important things.
So if you haven't done so, consider building your resume with intern experience, especially if you're free this summer. Speaking of resumes...
2. Keep your resume up-to-date and constantly seek feedback
Even if you're not jumping ship, optimizing your resume and keeping it up to date is still important. Here are some good resources for resume building:
- Resume Writing from Rochester Institute of Technology
- Resume Writing Tips from resume-help.org
- The /r/resumes FAQ
If you have a professional profile (like LinkedIn, professional societies, or trade societies), make sure you update that too!
And one final thing: Don't forget to polish up your interview skills if you're going to go job hunting.
3. Remember to dress for success
In the workplace, you should keep your hair neat (facial hair included!), your clothes should properly fit, and your outfit should be clean. Appearances and first impressions matter, and one source states "41 percent of employers said that people who dress better or more professionally tend to be promoted." (Source)
If you are out interviewing, make sure your suit or outfit is appropriate for the interview. There is also /r/femalefashionadvice and /r/malefashionadvice to help you on your way.
4. Consider the best time to ask for a raise or promotion
Remember to do your research on this one before acting on it. A lot of raises are dependent on company policy, timing, negotiation skills, negotiation tactics, and several other things.
Here are some good sources on asking for a raise:
- How To Ask For A Raise – And Get It from Forbes
- Can I ask for a raise yet? from Monster
- How to Ask for a Raise – and Actually Get It from US News
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Submitted April 02, 2018 at 09:09AM by AutoModerator https://ift.tt/2In3Iyk