Mostly new to investing but trying to learn as I go. I don't have a 401K but I have a Roth and its capped for the year so I'm looking to invest around 500-1000 a month somewhere. Also as a side note I have no debt to my name what so ever.
So my question to those here who have more experience then me is are I bonds NOT a great place to store cash for say 1-2 years if the current market is looking scary to me? Is this a bad idea idea and if so why? Should I not be afraid of investing in the current climate?
I don't know a lot but they say it's what you DON'T know that can kill you. I'm looking for short term investments with lower risk. The 2.58 on I bonds is not very good but it seems better then cash and I can't seem to find to many other places that off anything better. I looked at short term bonds or maybe parking some in gold if the dollar drops with the market but at the same time if NOTHING happens then I'm losing money in another way by being too careful.
A little help for a newbie investor would be wonderful. Thank you for your time.
Submitted March 07, 2018 at 01:27PM by Hardway79